DCSD September 23rd PD Day: K-12 Specials & Electives Collaboration
Ended Sep 30, 2022
Full course description
Event Description
There are three sessions available for this K-12 Specials & Electives collaboration event:
- Job-Alike collaboration sessions will run from 1:00-3:00 PM at the Legacy Campus. These sessions are for all K-12th grade specials and electives teachers and focus on collaboration time with others who teach similar content throughout DCSD. We will start with a general assembly focusing on curriculum and programming updates, then divide into elementary, middle, and high school categories by feeders to discuss lesson planning, classroom management, PLOs, and other pertinent topics.
- Rock Canyon High School is hosting a session from 12:00-3:00 PM for music, band, and orchestra teachers with Julia Dale. The goals for this session are aligning curriculum systems, aligning feeder festivals, getting choir set up at TTE and WME, and discussing elementary instrumental programs.
- We will have a ropes and belay class from 12:30-3:00 PM at Highlands Ranch High School taught by David Kriz. It will cover the Climbing Rope Course Manual. All teachers who are responsible for teaching ropes courses should plan to attend this session!