
Playing the Simultaneous Learning Game

Ended Apr 7, 2021

Enrollment is closed
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Full course description

Course Description

  • This course is designed to provide teachers with a self-paced learning experience where they will be able to investigate various examples of DCSD teachers utilizing simultaneous learning experiences in their classroom.  Teachers will be able to participate in a discussion board where they will be able to post their "game plan" and get feedback from other educators. 
    • Note:  Participants also have the option to participate in an "Extra Point Activity" where they will post their own video example of implementation of a simultaneous learning experience in their classroom.  
  • Type of Course: Self Paced
  • Lead Learner (Facilitator): See course for details
  • Credit(s) and Type: Various Hours, Relicensure
    • 1 Hour for each Quarter completed
      • Extra Point Activities will account for an additional 1/2 hour each. 

So... do you want to play!?!


Target Audience

  • Open to certified teachers
  • Open to Substitute Teachers = Not at this time
  • Open to Student Teachers = Yes 
  • Open to Charter School Certified Staff = Yes


Timeline Overview

  • Start date of course content: March 3rd 
  • End date of course content: April 7th 



Here are the outcomes for the course:


  • Outcome 1: Identify a targeted goal around which component (quarter) of Simultaneous Learning you want to focus on.  (Lesson Reflection, Instruction, Work Time, or Reflection)  
  • Outcome 2: Analyze the various videos/resources to get ideas about how you could upgrade your current practice  
  • Outcome 3: Create and share a "game plan" about how you are going to implement this in your classroom
  • Outcome 4 (Optional): Create and share your own video example of implementation of a simultaneous learning experience in your classroom