
9.15.2020 - 10.9.2020 Strategies for Increasing Communication with Families 5.12A

Ended Oct 11, 2020

Spots remaining: 9

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Full course description

Course Description

This course focuses on connecting communication, family engagement, and student success for multilingual learners. Participants explore practical tools and strategies for communicating effectively with multilingual families and partnering with them for academic success.

Target Audience:

Admin Pro-tech | Certified Staff | Charter Certified Staff | DCSD Certified Substitute



Timeline Overview


Beginning of course: 9.15.2020

End of Course: 10.9.2020

If blended - Face to Face Meetings (Virtual Webinars or In-Person):

5hrs. of Relicensure, English Language Development (ELD)



Here are the outcomes for the course (what participants will walk away with from the course).

Articulate barriers to engagement of families of English learners

Identify and be able to use DCSD- specific tools for engaging families

Describe specific strategies for engaging families of English learners