Collaboration & CoTeaching Summit
Ended Mar 7, 2021
Enrollment is closed
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Full course description
Course Description
- Join us in learning together, and increase your team's collaboration and coteaching for the benefit of Emerging Bilingual students. Andrea Honigsfeld and Maria Dove will lead two strands of collaboration and coteaching intensive work: one for those new to collaboration and coteaching in the DCSD, and one for veteran coteaching partners.
- Lead Learner (Facilitator): Remy Rummel
- Credit(s) and Type: 8 Hours Relicensure | Staff Development | English Language Development (ELD)
Target Audience
- Certified
- Open to Substitute Teachers = Yes
- Open to Student Teachers = Not at this time
- Open to Charter School Staff = Yes
- Charter Certified
Date, Time & Location
- Date: 3.5.2021
- Time: 9:00 AM
- Zoom Meet link: please enroll for details
Course Outcomes
Here are the outcomes for the course:
- Build collaborative and coteaching relationships
- Align ELD programming across the district
- Flexibly plan for the future