
June 2021 English Language Development Law and Program Requirements 5.09A, 5.12A

Ended Jun 20, 2021

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Full course description


  • Understanding English Language Development: Legislation and Requirements allows participants to explore federal and state law that pertains to English Learners. Topics include federal case law, ESSA, and Colorado law and requirements.
  • This course is completely online, and content is aligned with DCSD, Colorado, and US Department of Education laws and requirements for English Learners.  This is a self-guided course, and please feel free to email me with questions.* This will meet 8 of the required CDE 45 ELD PD relicensure hours. 
  • Type of course: Self Paced
  • Lead Learner (Facilitator): Remy Rummel
  • *Note: late work will not be accepted once the course is closed.

This course is aligned with the following CLDE Quality Standards:

  • 5.12 Quality Standard I: Educators are knowledgeable about CLD populations.
  • 5.12(1) ELEMENT A: Educators are knowledgeable in, understand, and able to apply the major theories, concepts and research related to culture, diversity and equity in order to support academic access and opportunity for CLD student populations.
  • 5.15 Quality Standard IV: Educators are knowledgeable in the teaching strategies, including methods, materials, and assessment for CLD students.
  • 5.15(1) ELEMENT A: Educators are knowledgeable in, understand and able to use the major theories, concepts and research related to language acquisition and language development for CLD students.

Target Audience

  • DCSD Certified Staff
  • Open to Substitute Teachers = Yes 
  • Open to Student Teachers = Yes 
  • Open to Charter School Staff = Yes
    • Charter Certified

Timeline Overview

  • Start date of course content: June 14th, 2021
  • End date of course content: June 20th, 2021


Here are the outcomes for the course (what participants will walk away with from the course).

  • Participants will engage in discussions that clarify their role in providing compliant programming and instruction for multilingual learners.