
WIDA Climbs 5.09A, 5.10A, 5.10B, 5.11A, 5.11B,5.12A

Ended May 31, 2021

Spots remaining: 0

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Full course description

Course Description

  • WIDA CLIMBS is a training focusing on supporting English Learners in the educational setting. Topics / days include: 1) culture, language, and learning; 2) academic language; 3) academic language development in classroom contexts; and 4) learning and scaffolding strategies. To earn credit, attendance at synchronous sessions is required.
  • Lead Learner (Facilitator): Becky Corr
  • Credit(s) and Type: 24 Hours Relicensure | English Language Development (ELD)


Target Audience

  • Certified Staff
  • Charter Certified Staff


Timeline Overview

  • Beginning of course: 11.10.2020
  • End of Course: 4.12.2021
  • If blended - Face to Face Meetings (Virtual Webinars or In-Person):
Face-To-Face Meeting Date Google Meet link
November 10, 2020 Meet link coming soon!
December 8, 2020 Meet link coming soon!
January 11, 2021 Meet link coming soon!
February 9, 2021 Meet link coming soon!
February 23, 2021 Meet link coming soon!
March 1, 2021 Meet link coming soon!
March 29, 2021 Meet link coming soon!
April 12, 2021 (conclusion) Meet link coming soon!



Here are the outcomes for the course (what participants will walk away with from the course).

  • Participants will be able to describe the connection between culture and language and how that impacts instructional choices.
  • Participants will be able to plan lessons that develop students' academic language.
  • Participants will be able to analyze the language of an academic text to identify where differentiation is necessary.
  • Participants will be able to select strategies that extend and support multilingual learners' content knowledge and language skills.