
Understanding the Twice Exceptional Learner February 8, 2023

Ended Feb 17, 2023

Full course description

Course Description

  • This course will provide opportunities for participants to create a foundational understanding of twice exceptional learners including definitions, cognitive/affective characteristics, identification practices, and social/emotional needs. Participants will explore ways a Multi Tiered System of Supports (MTSS) framework can be used to identify, plan for, and serve learners with multi-exceptionalities. We will analyze and discuss best practices for nurturing learner potential, and create a plan to implement a range of evidence-based strategies to differentiate instruction, content, and assignments for twice exceptional learners.
  • Lead Learner (Facilitator): Kim Bertha | Natasha Straayer | Jenifer Nerwin
  • Credit(s) and Type: 7.5 Hours Relicensure | Staff Development


Target Audience

  • Admin/Pro-Tech, Certified Staff
  • Open to Substitute Teachers = Not at this time
  • Open to Student Teachers = Yes 
  • Open to Charter School Staff = Yes 
    • Charter Certified


Date, Time, and Location


Course Outcomes

Here are the outcomes for the course:

  • Participants will learn about how to identify, plan and serve a student who is twice exceptional. They will walk away with strategies on meeting their unique needs and collaborating as a team.