Adult SEL 101 Spring 2022
Ended May 28, 2022
Spots remaining: 0
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Full course description
Course Description
- This course will provide the basics of Adult SEL, they why behind it and strategies to incorporate into the school environment. In order to effectively promote students’ social and emotional competence, it’s important for schools to simultaneously foster a supportive staff environment that cultivates the social and emotional competence and capacity of the adults in the building.
Type of Course: Online, Self Paced
- Lead Learner Jill Savage
- Credit(s) and Type: 1.5 Hours Relicensure | Staff Development
Target Audience
- Admin, Pro Tech, Certified and Classified
- Open to Substitute Teachers = Yes
- Open to Student Teachers = Yes
- Open to Charter School Staff = Yes
- Charter Certified or Classified
Timeline Overview
- Start date of course content: January 10, 2022
- End date of course content: May 30, 2022
Here are the outcomes for the course (what participants will walk away with from the course).
- A basic understanding of Adult SEL
- The importance of nurturing Adult SEL and the why behind it
- Strategies to implement Adult SEL into the school environment