I-MTSS Essentials September 22, 2023
Ended May 20, 2024
Spots remaining: 10
Full course description
Course Description
- Audience: PLS or School Leads that Oversee Systems Work in Your School Understand how the components of Integrated MTSS (Shared Leadership, Data-Based Decision Making, Screening and Assessment, Layered Systems of Support, and Family Engagement) work together to support ALL students. This will cover an overview of the work AND then lead into an implementation guide to use with your staff to start identifying Universal Supports for all students based on your unique school data.
- Lead Learner (Facilitator): Jon Smith
- Credit(s) and Type: 2 Hours Relicensure
Target Audience
- Admin/Pro-Tech, Certified Staff
- Open to Substitute Teachers = Not at this time
- Open to Student Teachers = Yes
- Open to Charter School Staff = Yes
- Charter Certified
Date, Time, and Location
- Date: September 22, 2023
- Time: 1:00-3:00pm
- Location: Wilcox Building, HWP and Behavior Support Office | 620 Wilcox St, Castle Rock, 80104
Course Outcomes
Here are the outcomes for the course:
- Understand how the components of Integrated MTSS work together to support ALL students
- Learn and analyze effective universal student engagement and classroom management strategies
- Know where to access additional resources from DCSD Health, Wellness, and Prevention