Foundations of Second Language Acquisition 5.12B, 5.13A, 5.13B, 5.15B Fall 2023
Ended Nov 1, 2023
Spots remaining: 13
Full course description
Course Description
- This 5 hour online course is designed to provide educators with important theories and background information related to second language acquisition and utilize this information to increase achievement for all learners - especially students who are learning English.
- Lead Learner (Facilitator): Becky Corr
- Credit(s) and Type: 5 Hours Relicensure | English Language Development (ELD)
Target Audience
- Certified Staff | Charter Certified Staff | DCSD Certified Substitute
Timeline Overview
- Start date of course content: 9/1/2023
- End date of course content: 10/1/2023
Here are the outcomes for the course:
Identify colleagues who can support them in working with ELs
Describe how to use the WIDA Can Do Descriptors to plan instruction
Implement a strategy for teaching ELs at each stage of second language acquisition using the Can- Do Descriptors