
Traumatic Brain Injury Online Course

Ended May 3, 2022

Full course description

Course Description

  • As a result of acquired brain injury many students return to school with lingering effects that impact classroom performance. This training will address identification, school re-entry planning, IEP/504 Plan development, intervention selection and implementation, long-term monitoring of students and other issues professionals face in supporting students with brain injury.
  • Type of Course: Online: Self Paced
  • Lead Learner (Facilitator): Kaylene Case, 
  • Credit(s) and Type: 2hrs Relicensure, Staff Development


 Target Audience

  • Certified Staff, Charter Certified Staff
  • Open to Substitute Teachers = Yes
  • Open to Student Teachers = Yes
  • Open to Charter School Staff = Yes
    • Charter Certified 


Timeline Overview

  • Start date of course content: July 26, 2021
  • End date of course content: May 3, 2022



Here are the outcomes for the course (what participants will walk away with from the course).

  • Participants will enhance their assessment and intervention skills to support students with brain injuries in the classroom.