
20-21 DCSD Lab Safety

Ended Mar 5, 2021

Full course description

Course Description

This course was designed for DCSD to help create a culture of safety in middle and high school science classrooms. DCSD Lab Safety will provide the training and education to minimize safety, health, environmental and regulatory risks to students in science classrooms.

Timeline Overview

    • Start date of course content: 10/19/2020


Here are the outcomes for the course :

    • Create a safety minded culture among teachers, administration, students and parents.
    • Align lab safety practices and protocols within a building and across the district
    • Provide training and professional develop to meet the requirements set by the Colorado Department of Public Health and Environment (CDPHE) 

 If you have any questions about the content of this course, please contact Zach Nannestad (Links to an external site.).