
22-23 Initial/Recertification Multifunction Activity Driver Course

Ended Jun 16, 2023

Full course description

Course Description

This class is for any employee who operates a District-owned Type A Multifunction Bus or Small Vehicle for the purpose of transporting students to/from after school activities, sporting events, competitions, or specially planned events.  This class covers current CDE rules and regulations and district policies required to safely operate a Type A Multifunction Bus or Small Vehicle.

PLEASE NOTE: You are not eligible to receive a white vehicle license if:

    • You have had more than 2 moving violations within the last 12 months.

Certain medical conditions could prohibit you from obtaining a district small vehicle license. You must complete the Small Vehicle Medical form, attached, and upload it prior to attending class. You must complete and upload the attached release of (MVR) and complete the two quizzes in this course before attending the hands-on portion of the class.

If you have special accommodation, please let the instructor know ahead of time.  We may need extra time to plan for our class.

Please contact Theresa Webb at 303-387-6095 or Shawntray Steele at 303-387-6109 if you have any questions.