
22-23 Response to Severe Injury on the Playground

Ended Jun 26, 2023

Full course description

  • This is an online course that provides participants with exposure to the skills needed to properly respond to and manage severe injuries on the playground.

    While this course is mandatory for all classified employees that supervise the playground, it is recommended for certified staff and administrators that supervise the playground as well. 

Target Audience

  • Anyone who supervises students on the playground


Timeline Overview

  • Start date of course content: June 7, 2022
  • End date of course content: June 26, 2023



  • In order to receive completion for this training you must view the video (run time approx. 20 minutes) and complete the post-assessment with at least a 10 out of 12 on the quiz. 

Please contact Vanessa Hoffman at with any questions.


If you have any questions about the content of this module please contact Mary Evensen at