
24/25 FEMA Trainings IS-362.A> Multi-Hazard Emergency Planning for Schools (Only Team Leads)

Jul 1, 2024 - Jun 30, 2025


Full course description

This course covers basic information about developing, implementing, and maintaining a school emergency operations plan (EOP). The goal of this course is to provide students with an understanding of the importance of schools having an EOP and basic information on how an EOP is developed, exercised, and maintained. The topics addressed in this course include:

  • Understanding incident management.
  • Forming the planning team.
  • Understanding the situation.
  • Developing a school emergency operations plan.
  • Incorporating the Incident Command System principles and roles in the school emergency operations plan.
  • Training, exercising and maintaining the school emergency operations plan.

Target Audience

  • Crisis Emergency Response Team LEAD 



  • Date: Self-Paced during the 24/25 school year
  • Time: 3 Hours


Course Outcomes

  • Upon completing this course, the participant will be able to:

    • Describe the activities related to the key areas of incident management.
    • Describe how the school emergency operations plan (EOP) fits into district, community, and family/personal emergency plans.
    • Identify school staff to participate on the school planning team.
    • Identify community members who should be on the school planning team.
    • Identify natural, technological, and human-caused hazards.
    • Identify and assess hazards likely to impact your school.
    • Describe each of the components of the traditional EOP.
    • Identify the steps to approve and disseminate the school EOP.
    • Describe the Incident Command System (ICS) principles and organization.
    • Identify the ICS roles included in the school EOP.
    • Explain the benefits of training and exercising the school EOP.
    • Identify the types of exercises available to exercise the school’s plan.
    • Describe steps for developing effective exercises.
    • Describe how exercise results are used to improve school preparedness efforts.

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