
Conflict Resolution Roadmap 23-24 SY

Sep 15, 2023 - Jul 2, 2025

Sorry! The enrollment period is currently closed. Please check back soon.

Full course description

Course Description

One of the District's Culture and Climate Norms is to "address concerns in the right way" and resolving conflicts with a positive outcome aligns with this norm. This course is designed to assist DCSD staff in improving relationships and finding a way to navigate through conflict using simple, repeatable techniques that apply in most situations. 

  • Type of Course: Online, Self Paced 
  • Facilitator: Vanessa Hoffman
  • Credit: 1.5 hours


Target Audience

Any DCSD Staff Member

Timeline Overview

  • Start date of course content: October 9, 2023
  • End date of course content: June 21, 2024

Any questions please contact Vanessa Hoffman