
Conflict Resolution Roadmap 23-24 SY

Sep 15, 2023 - Jul 2, 2025


Full course description

Course Description

One of the District's Culture and Climate Norms is to "address concerns in the right way" and resolving conflicts with a positive outcome aligns with this norm. This course is designed to assist DCSD staff in improving relationships and finding a way to navigate through conflict using simple, repeatable techniques that apply in most situations. 

  • Type of Course: Online, Self Paced 
  • Facilitator: Vanessa Hoffman
  • Credit: 1.5 hours


Target Audience

Any DCSD Staff Member

Timeline Overview

  • Start date of course content: October 9, 2023
  • End date of course content: June 21, 2024

Any questions please contact Vanessa Hoffman



Sign up for this course today!
