
Management Seminar: QBQ! The Question Behind the Question Book Study

Ended Feb 26, 2021

Full course description

Course Description

  • This is a quick but deep book that explores the role of personal accountability in one's work and personal life. In his own work experience, Miller found that many people look for others to blame their problems and conflicts on. He proposes that instead of asking who is to blame for the situation, we should ask, "What can I do to improve the situation?" Only by being able to ask this "question behind the question" can we take ownership of the problem and start working toward a solution... 

Target Audience

  • Classified
  • Admin/ProTech

Date, Time & Location

  • Dates: January 20 & February 10, 2021
  • Time: 8 - 10 am
  • Location: Google Meet
  • Instructor: Vanessa Hoffman, PD Coordinator & Mike Loitz, HR Employee Relations Director