
September 2 - November 11, 2021 Unlocking English Learners’ Potential ELD Book Study (Standards: 5.09A, 5.09B, 5.10A, 5.10B, 5.11A, 5.11B, 5.12A)

Ended Nov 13, 2021

Spots remaining: 4

Full course description


  • This text will help us better meet our multilingual learners' needs and earn us ELD credit at the same time!  This course will allow us to go beyond merely reading the book, allowing us to work together to really dig into the ideas and strategies presented.  This collaborative work will allow us to plan for supporting our multilingual students in our classrooms.  This course will meet the CDE standards 5.09A, 5.09B, 5.10A, 5.10B, 5.11A, 5.11B, 5.12A.



Here are the outcomes for the course. What participants will walk away with from the course.

  • Participants will understand the 5 guiding principles to support working with ELs/MLLs.
  • Participants will plan for scaffolding instruction, oral language development, teaching academic language, vocabulary instruction, teaching background knowledge, and use of text-dependent questions. 
  • Participants will craft formative assessments for students to support ELs/MLLs.


Timeline Overview

Our meeting dates are Thursdays from 8:00-8:45 in the Bungalow, unless otherwise notified: 

September 2, September 16, September 30, October 14, October 28, November 11