
FTE Unlocking English Learners' Potential Book Study

Ended Dec 18, 2020

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Full course description

Course Description

  • Through this course, teachers will learn to help their English Language Learners be more successful by understanding strength-based language, understanding the difference between academic and social language, scaffolding instruction, enhancing academic conversations, building vocabulary and building on student's background knowledge. Teachers will be asked to think about an upcoming lesson, analyze the language/structures it presents and craft ways to make the new knowledge more accessible to their students.
  • Lead Learner (Facilitator): Chandra Baca | Natalie Reeser
  • Credit(s) and Type: 10 Hours Relicensure | Staff Development | English Language Development (ELD)


Target Audience

  • FTE Certified Staff


Date, Time & Location

  • Dates: Wednesdays November 4th-Dec 16th (no class Nov 25th)
  • Time: 4:15 - 5:15 PM
  •  (Links to an external site.)Google Meet link: Please enroll for details


Course Outcomes

Here are the outcomes for the course:

  • Teachers will be able to identify vocabulary, academic language and language structures that may be difficult for English Language Learners to understand.
  • Teachers will gain strategies for helping their English Language Learners access these new terms and structures.