FVE Professional Development February 12, 2021
Ended Feb 14, 2021
Enrollment is closed
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Full course description
Course Description
- For our Feb 12th PD day we are focused on staff/student wellness and moving forward with our differentiated academics goals. All teachers will have opportunities to explore wellness options for themselves and their students. We will be spending time as a collaborative teacher team digging into Stemscopes and Discovery Ed. Teachers will then be able to choose from multiple sessions based on their individual needs: Benchmark Phonics/fluency instruction, differentiation with enVision, utilizing the i-Ready Toolbox, and differentiation for AA/GT. In the afternoon teams will work together to look at classroom growth data and planning needs for the rest of the year, putting their learning from the morning into action.
- Lead Learner (Facilitator): Rebekah Crispin
- Credit(s) and Type: 6 Hours Relicensure | Staff Development
Target Audience
- FVE Certified Staff
Date, Time & Location
- Date: 2.14.2021
- Time: TBD
- Please see Rebekah Crispin gor Google Meet link
Course Outcomes
Here are the outcomes for the course:
Teachers will come away from the training with a specific plan to better utilize instructional resources available in Science and Social Studies.
Teachers will develop an action plan for differentiated instruction in their classroom.
Teachers will develop an action plan for targeting staff/student wellness needs.