
Concise Answers to Frequently Asked Questions about PLCs Book Study Highlands Ranch High School Spring 2022

Ended May 18, 2022

Full course description

Course Description

  • Participants will examine frequently asked questions about Professional Learning Communities and give input regarding modifications and adjustments to the HRHS PLC and collaborative teams. Participants will read the assigned book and engage in discussions about the reading as it relates to continuous improvement at HRHS. 
  • Lead Learners : Donna Goodwin
  • Credit(s) and Type: 6 Hours Relicensure 


Target Audience

  • HRHS Leadership Team Members


Timeline Overview

  • Date to complete course: May 11
  • The course is a blended learning course.
    • Read and reflect throughout the Spring semester.
    • Meeting Dates

      Jan 19 Ch 1

      Feb 16 Ch 2

      Mar 2 Ch 3

      Mar 30 Ch 4

      April 12 Ch 5

      May 11 ch 6 & 7


Here are the outcomes for the course (what participants will walk away with from the course).

  • Participants will deepen their understanding of Professional Learning Communities
  • Participants will evaluate the accurate functioning of their own collaborative teams within the HRHS PLC.
  • Participants will make suggestions for how HRHS can continue to improve its PLC practice.