HRHS Reflective Practitioner - 21-22
Ended May 1, 2022
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Full course description
Course Description
- In this course, you will have the dedicated time to reflect on your practices to set personal goals, work on those goals, and reflect on your progress.
- Type of Course: Online, Self Paced or Blended
- Lead Learner (Facilitator): Donna Goodwin
- Credit(s) and Type: 15 Hours Relicensure
Target Audience
- Certified Staff
- Open to Substitute Teachers = Not at this time
- Open to Student Teachers = Not at this time
- Open to Charter School Staff = Not at this time
Timeline Overview
- Start date of course content: September 1, 2021
- End date of course content: May 1, 2022
Here are the outcomes for the course (what participants will walk away with from the course).
On order to summit the mountain, we will set goals, work towards those goals, and reflect while creating next steps. Here is the path for our trek:
- Module 1: Basecamp Hiking Icons
- Module 2: Task: Create goal, success criteria & action steps. Select hiking partner. Suggested Due Date: October 1 Task: Reflect on progress towards goals Suggested Due Date: December 1 Task: Reflect on progress towards goals Suggested Due Date: February 1 Task: Reflect & share successes. Suggested Due Date: May 1