
Growing UP 2021-22 Professional Development



Full course description

Course Description

This year's professional development will include a variety of available professional development that aligns to our district's strategic plan. This year's seminar will focus on Thinking Strategies (Literacy strategies) in addition to instructional goals of Learning Targets, Workshop Model. Seminar is comprised of four instructional sessions focused on Thinking Strategies and four learning walks to Learning Labs to applying learning to practice with facilitated conversations by ILT members.

Lead Learner: Sandy Sundine

Credit & Type: 15+ Hrs Relicensure | Staff Development | English Language Development


Timeline Overview

  • August 6, 2021 - May 25, 2022


Target Audience

  • Admin Pro-tech
  • Certified Staff
  • Classified Staff



Participants will leave with:

This year's professional development will include a variety of available choice professional development sessions that align to our district's strategic plan. Each month teachers will have the option to continue their specific pathway related to SEL, Technology, ELD and Instructional Strategies

Sign up for this course today!
