Phenomenal Teaching Book Study Mammoth Heights Elementary Spring 2022
Ended May 22, 2022
Full course description
Course Description
- Audience -Any building staff, purpose- to engage in important dialogue around the importance and benefit of continuous professional improvement, the learner can expect to have rich dialogue with colleagues around why and how to reflect on their instruction and planning and grow in their practice. Focus around how professional reflection and growth impacts those around you, especially students you work with. content~the Phenomenal Teaching is a workbook style book study so consistent thought and reflection is documented throughout the book study.
- Lead Learner (Facilitator): Ginny Stafford
- Credit(s) and Type: 10 Hours Relicensure
Target Audience
- Certified Staff
- Classified Staff
- Open to Substitute Teachers = Yes
- Open to Student Teachers = Yes
- Open to Charter School Staff = Not at this time
Date, Time & Location
- Date: March 29 - May 20, 2022
- Time: Tuesdays 7:20 - 8:20AM
- Location: Mammoth Heights Elementary Library
Course Outcomes
Here are the outcomes for the course:
- To help teachers start where they are, use what they have, and to inspire teachers to teach whomever comes through their door.
- Teachers will chart a pathway to cultivate agency and foster understanding for the learners they work with.
- Teachers will discuss research, see classroom examples, use planning tools, and have opportunities to use their background knowledge to talk back to the text and to each other.
- Teachers will use graphic organizers to think and plan, and each chapter closes with an invitation for reflection.