
MMS Moving Readers Forward 4th-12th - Abbreviated (Modules 1, 4-7) Spring 2023

Ended May 31, 2023

Full course description

Course Description

  • In this self-paced course, participants will have an opportunity to learn research-based best practices to help move readers forward at the intermediate and secondary levels. This course is designed to be taken over a length of time.  Participants will learn, apply, reflect on data, and adjust.
  • Type of Course: Self Paced
  • Lead Learner (Facilitator): Erin Gilbert
  • Credit(s) and Type: 5 Hours Relicensure

Target Audience

  • Teachers, Leaders, EAs, etc
    • Ideal for Science, Social Studies, Math, Wellness, or Electives

Timeline Overview

  • 1/9/23 - 2/21/23 - All certified teaching staff will complete the class. Exceptions for those who have already completed Moving Readers Forward.  In MRF, staff will be exposed to and asked to try comprehension and vocab strategies leading up to 2/21/23.
  • Follow up on 2/21/23 PLC Day
    L&L teachers and Instructional Leadership team members will work in small groups to facilitate sharing of implementation as well as answer Q/A.
    Teachers will be asked to continue to use the 2-3 strategies that they are most comfortable with in the classroom.
  • Follow up on 4/24/23
    Teachers will be asked to share what they are noticing in student learning after using the strategies consistently.
    We will get feedback to determine what strategies we can agree upon as a school using voting.  
  • EOY Reading iReady data in May to show the impact. 


Here are the outcomes for the course (what participants will walk away with from the course).

  • Understand how science of reading applies to intermediate and secondary students
  • Build research-based instructional practices in your classroom that support struggling readers and grade level readers
  • Monitor impact of practices and adjust as needed.