Full course description
Course Description
- Develop your "teacher moves" by observing your colleagues in action. Make a colleague connection, arrange a 30-45 minute class visit, take some notes, then have a conversation about what you saw, heard, and learned. Finally, reflect on the experience and how you will apply the learning to your own experience.
- This course addresses Strategic Theme #3 - Positive and supportive culture and Strategic Theme #4 - Aligned curriculum with flexible instructional delivery.
- Lead Learner (Facilitator): Bryan Winkelman
- Credit(s) and Type: up to 10 hours relicensure (partial credit offered; may be taken for up to a total of 8 hours and only once for credit)
Target Audience
- RCHS Staff
Meeting Information
- Dates vary; submissions due monthly
- Location: Rock Canyon High School
Course Outcomes
- Teachers will arrange and conduct 30 to 45-minute observations of colleagues (up to 8 for the year).
- Teachers will debrief with their visited colleagues about what they saw, heard, and learned.
- Teachers will reflect on their learning and its application to their own practice.