RCHS Permission to Feel book Study Fall 2023
Ended Dec 15, 2023
Spots remaining: 18
Full course description
Permission to Feel: The Power of Emotional Intelligence to Achieve Well-Being and Success
- Permission to Feel: The Power of Emotional Intelligence to Achieve Well-Being and Success explores the roots of emotional well-being. Dr. Marc Brackett's prescription for healthy children (and their parents, teachers, and schools) is a system called RULER, a high-impact and fast-effect approach to understanding and mastering emotions that has already transformed the thousands of schools that have adopted it. RULER has been proven to reduce stress and burnout, improve school climate, and enhance academic achievement. This book is the culmination of Brackett's development of RULER and his way to share the strategies and skills with readers around the world.
- Our goals: to learn the RULER strategies and consider how we can implement them in our personal and professional lives to support social and emotional learning at RCHS.
- This book addresses DCSD Strategic Plan Strategic Theme #4: Health, safety, and social-emotional supports for students Objective 2: Increase physical, social-emotional, behavioral, and mental health competency through prevention and intervention efforts and Objective 3: Establish an inclusive culture to ensure all students feel safe and valued.
- Credit: Maximum 15 hours relicensure credit
- Facilitator/Lead Learner: Bryan Winkelman
Target Audience
- RCHS teachers, Counseling, and Mental Health
Readings & Meetings
Locations TBD
- Prologue/Introduction:
- Chapter 1:
- Chapter 2:
- Chapter 3:
- Part 1 Take Action
- Chapter 4:
- Chapters 5:
- Chapter 6:
- Chapters 7:
- Chapter 8:
- Part 2 Take Action
- Chapter 9:
- Chapter 10:
- Chapter 11/Epilogue:
- Part 3 Take Action
- Date to complete course:
- Participants will understand the importance of developing Emotional Intelligence in both ourselves and our students.
- Participants will connect learning to the CASEL framework.
- Participants will develop strategies and plans for incorporating social-emotional learning into both personal and professional experiences.
- Read the assigned text and participate in the in-person meetings.
- At the end of each dialogue session, complete the Canvas discussion prompt as your record of attendance.
- If you miss a session, review the posts from those in attendance and reply to at least three of your colleagues' posts. In your "makeup" post, explain your own thoughts based on the prompt and summarize the replies to your colleagues, drawing connections between your ideas and those to which you replied (in essence create your own "conversation.")