SGMS: Co-Teaching for English Learners: A Guide to Collaborative Planning, Instruction, Assessment, and Reflection Book Study 5.10A | 5.10B | 5.12A | 5.12B
Ended Jul 18, 2021
Enrollment is closed
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Full course description
Course Description
- This course will contain both specific strategies for co-teaching teams and general strategies for teachers who would like to learn how to better serve multilingual learners. It will provide a better understanding of the ELD teacher’s role, approaches to teaching multilingual learners, and best practices to ensure multilingual learners’ language and backgrounds are considered when designing activities and assessments.
- Lead Learner (Facilitator): Kate Noon-Ulvila | Christine Funk
- Credit(s) and Type: 10 Hours Relicensure | English Language Development (ELD)
Target Audience
- SGMS Admin Pro-Tech
- SGMS Certified Staff
- Open to Substitute Teachers = Not at this time
- Open to Student Teachers = Not at this time
- Open to Charter School Staff = Not at this time
Date, Time & Location
- Dates: June 7-July 16, 2021
- Time: Please reach out to Chris Funk for meeting time
- Location: SGMS
Course Outcomes
Here are the outcomes for the course:
- Teachers will develop an understanding of co-teaching with the ELD teacher.
- Teachers will identify strategies to support multi-lingual students better in the classroom.