
SOE Choose Your Learning Path: April 19th

Ended Apr 21, 2021

Full course description

Course Description

  • The PD sessions offered on April 19th will provide self-selected choice sessions that cover a variety of topics. Session options are: Self Care, MTSS Forms Support, IB Writing a Concept Based Planner, iReady Reports, Data Reflection, Wild World of Writing, Pink and Blue, CDE Hours
  • Please see agenda 
  • Lead Learner (Facilitator): Marne Katsanis
  • Credit(s) and Type: Varies Based on Choice | Relicensure


Target Audience

  • South Ridge Staff Only


Date, Time & Location

  • Date: April 19th, 2021
  • Time: 8:00am-3:00pm
  • Location or Google Meet Link: Please See Agenda


Course Outcomes


Here are the outcomes for the course: Participants can self-select sessions based on their needs. They will have the opportunity to learn more about: iReady, MTSS Forms, IB conceptual learning, CDE required hours, or how to assess writing based on rubrics.