Professional Goals & PLC Focus Time Summit View Elementary Staff September 24, 2021
Ended Oct 2, 2021
Spots remaining: 19
Full course description
Course Description
- Certified staff will participate in a day including: a gallery walk of Impact Statements, a Boundary Check-In, Revisiting PDSA Cycles as it relates to your goal for the year, and PLC Focus Time to include: Focus on learning, Build on collaborative culture, Focus on results
- Lead Learners (Facilitators): Brittany Kinder, George Boser, Caitlyn Fox
- Credit(s) and Type: 5 Hours Relicensure | Staff Development
Target Audience
- SVE Certified Staff
- Open to Substitute Teachers = Not at this time
- Open to Student Teachers = Not at this time
- Open to Charter School Staff = Not at this time
Date, Time & Location
- Date: September 24, 2021
- Time: 9:00 AM - 3:00 PM
- Location: Summit View Elementary Library and Classrooms
Course Outcomes
Here are the outcomes for the course:
- Create a Plan for the first PDSA cycle around the professional goal set for the 21/22 school year.