
23-24 Intro To Applied Behavior Analysis

Ended May 31, 2024

Full course description

Course Description

This course covers four basic procedures used in applied behavior analysis (ABA):

  • Reinforcement
  • Prompting
  • Task Analysis 
  • Token Economy
  • Lead Learners (Facilitators): Jennifer Tilley
  • Credit(s) and Type: 3 Hours Relicensure | Staff Development


Target Audience

  • Certified Staff
  • Classified Staff
  • Open to Substitute Teachers = Yes
  • Open to Student Teachers = Yes
  • Open to Charter School Staff = Yes
    • Charter Certified and Classified


Timeline Overview

  • The general flow of the course is self paced and through independent study. All material is due at the end date listed.

    • Start date of course content: September 8, 2023

    • End date of course content: May 31, 2024



  • Participants will be able to identify different prompt classes,  when to use prompts, and how to fade prompts to promote student independence.

  • Participants will be able to select reinforcers using a preference assessment and use differential reinforcement to promote student independence.

  • Participants will be able to break down tasks into discrete steps that are attainable for the learner

  • Participants will be able to identify the cycle of using a token economy