Essentials of Goal Writing
Ended May 21, 2021
Spots remaining: 0
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Full course description
Course Description
- Learn to write compliant SMART IEP goals that are aligned with the student's data and needs.
- Lead Learner (Facilitator): Jen Hubbard
- Credit(s) and Type: 2hrs Relicensure
Timeline Overview
- Start date of course content: 12/7/2020
- End date of course content: 5/21/2021
- Google Meet link: please enroll for details
arget Audience
- Certified
- Open to Charter School Staff = Yes
- Charter Certified
Here are the outcomes for the course (what participants will walk away with from the course).
- Align goals with student needs determined through available data and contained either in evaluation summary or present levels.
- Align goals with Colorado Academic Standards, or Extended Evidence Outcomes.
- Develop goals collaboratively with all service providers, recognizing that student areas of development often overlap between multiple service providers.
- Create SMART/ABCD goals focused with the measurement in mind as you create each goal to ensure continual progress monitoring and data collection.