
CTE Job Alike February 16, 2024

Ended Mar 1, 2024

Full course description

Course Description

  • Career and Technical Education Teachers (CTE), updates, CTSO's- Advisory Board best practices, safety concerns in Industrial Arts programs. CTE Celebration Month!
  • Lead Learner (Facilitator): 
  • Credit(s) and Type: 


Target Audience

  • Krista Tongren | Kathy Frommer
  • Open to Substitute Teachers = Not at this time
  • Open to Student Teachers = Not at this time
  • Open to Charter School Staff = Not at this time


Meeting Information


Course Outcomes

Here are the outcomes for the course:

  • Job Alike Clusters- Teachers can collaborate with each other to develop lesson plans, delivery methods, and work in conjunction in like curriculum.
  • CTSO best practices, Advisory Board best practices, CTSO share out.